Kenna Castalia
A Little About Me
Birthday: 13th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Shapeshifter
Occupation: Photographer
Origin: Jenova
Venues - Days - Times
Nightshade - Fridays: 9 PM - 1 AM EST
Haze - Saturdays
Notorious - Sundays: 8 - 1 AM EST
SFW - Solo: 300k gil. These consist of 1 to 2 shots/angles
Add an additional pose (Two poses total): 650k
Couples: 750k
Groups (3+ people): 1 Mil
NSFW - Solo: 1 Mil
NSFW Couples: 1.5 Mil
I do not do NSFW collabs with my character.